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Charles D. Shackelford, PhD.

Professor and Interim Department He
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](970) 491-5051

Mohamed A. Shahba, PhD.

Assistant Professor
Horticulture and Landscape Architec
[Email](970) 491-7087

Sybil E. Sharvelle, PhD.

Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](970) 491-6081

Tara Shelley, PhD.

Associate Professor
[Email](970) 491-0714

Bill Shuster

Clinical Professor
Business College
[Email](970) 491-6308

Jason S. Sibold, PhD.


Frederick (Skip) Smith, PhD.

Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
[Email](970) 491-7505

MaryLou M. Smith

Policy and Collaboration Specialist
Colorado Water Institute / Water Ce
[Email](970) 491-5899

John D. Stednick, PhD.

Professor Emeritus
Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
[Email](970) 488-0899

Thomas Stohlgren, PhD.

Senior Research Scientist
Natural Resource Ecology Lab
[Email](970) 491-1980

Jordan F. Suter, PhD.

Assistant Professor
Agricultural and Resource Economics
[Email](970) 491-2589

Lou Swanson, PhD.

[Email](970) 491-6362

David Swift, PhD.

Senior Research Scientist
Natural Resource Ecology Lab
[Email](970) 491-1981

Peter L. Taylor, PhD.

[Email](970) 491-6043

John D. Tessari, PhD.

Associate Professor
Environmental and Radiological Heal
[Email](970) 491-7037

David W. J. Thompson, PhD.

Atmospheric Science
[Email](970) 491-3338

Christopher Thornton, PhD.

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](970) 491-8394

Tiezheng Tong, PhD.

Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](970) 491-1913

Elizabeth Tulanowski

Ecosystem Science and Sustainabilit
[Email](970) 491.2774

Brad Udall

Senior Research Scientist
Colorado Water Institute / Water Ce
[Email](720) 984-2723

Jerry Vaske, PhD.

Human Dimensions of Natural Resourc
[Email](970) 491-2360

Subhas K. Venayagamoorthy, PhD.

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](970) 491-1915

Thomas H. Vonder Haar, PhD.

Atmospheric Science
[Email](970) 491-8566

George N. Wallace, PhD.

Emeritus Professor
Warner College of Natural Resources
[Email](970) 491-5165

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