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Sara L. Rathburn, PhD.

Associate Professor
[Email](970) 491-6956

Kenneth F. Reardon, PhD.

Chemical and Biological Engineering
[Email](970) 491-6505

Henry Reges

CoCoRaHS National Coordinator
Atmospheric Science
[Email](970) 491-1196

Robin S. Reid

Warner College of Natural Resources
[Email](970) 491-5941

John S. Reif

Environmental and Radiological Heal
[Email](970) 491-2940

Patricia J. Rettig

Head Archivist
[Email](970) 491-1939

Douglas Rideout, PhD.

Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
[Email](970) 491-7234

Larry A. Roesner, PhD.

Emeritus Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](970) 491-7430

Holmes Rolston, III, PhD.

Distinguished Professor
[Email](970) 491-6315

William Romme, PhD.

Research Scientist
Natural Resource Ecology Lab
[Email](970) 491-1565

Michael J. Ronayne, PhD.

Associate Professor
[Email](970) 491-0666

Matt Ross, PhD.

Assistant Professor
Ecosystem Science and Sustainabilit
[Email](970) 491-2074

Steven A. Rutledge, PhD.

Atmospheric Science
[Email](970) 491-8283

Michael G. Ryan, PhD.

Senior Research Scientist and Schol
Natural Resource Ecology Lab
[Email](970) 217-5798

Jose D. Salas, PhD.

Emeritus Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](561) 405-6545

Thomas C. Sale, PhD.

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
[Email](970) 491-8413

William E. Sanford, PhD.

Associate Professor
[Email](970) 491-5929

Meagan Schipanski, PhD.

Assistant Professor
Soil and Crop Sciences
[Email](970) 491-1320

Joel P. Schneekloth

Regional Water Resource Specialist
CSU Extension
[Email](970) 345-0508

Courtney Schultz

Associate Professor
Forest and Rangeland Stewardship

Russ S. Schumacher, PhD.

Associate Professor & State Climato
Atmospheric Science
[Email](970) 491-8084

Zach Schwalbe

CoCoRaHS Station Administrator
Atmospheric Science
[Email](970) 491-8140

Andrew F. Seidl, PhD.

Agricultural and Resource Economics
[Email](970) 491-7071

James R. Self, PhD.

Research Scientist II
Soil and Crop Sciences
[Email](970) 491-5061

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